Tuesday, July 2, 2013

For grammar geeks only

I was worried that this course would be overly simple.  I didn't want to be taught the difference in to, too and two and because I struggle with NO (not a short one) attention span, I was afraid it would not hold my interest.  I could not have been more wrong.  The teachers are excellent and the curriculum is clearly research based and results driven.  I assumed that the first 120 hours of the course would be me "learning" and the last 40 would be me "teaching".  Not so. I teach today!

Here is the lesson plan model.  Although I have been teaching for 19 years and seen a thing or two, I am still mesmerized by the simplicity and depth of the TEFL way to teach grammar structures.

Lesson Planning
Theme: Adventures Abroad

Objective: SWBAT + describe past vacations + grammar (simple past tense)

1.     Grammar- discuss past vacations with simple past tense
2.     Vocabulary (10) places, verbs, time phrases,
3.     Useful expressions (idioms, slang, associated phrases not grammar based) (2-3)

Theme:  Here and now

Objective: SWBAT + tell what you do and do not do using simple present tense

1.     Grammar- present tense- I live, I eat, I go, I do not have
Subject + (don’t, doesn’t)+ verb +the rest
2.     Vocabulary- live, go, eat, have
3.     Useful expressions- Me too!  I love it!

Steps to mastery:
1.     Preview (students knowledge)
2.     Input (examples, hard copy)
3.     Present and elicit
a. Elicit
b. Formula
c. Practice
            4. Activities (structured) not creating by themselves
            5. Activities (less-structured)
            6. Open 

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